Starry Starry Night - Book Review

 Starry Starry Night - Book Review  Starry Starry Night : Book Review Author : Nandita Basu  Publisher : Penguinsters “Does pain ever get better?  Nothing is static. Even pain evolves. There will be days it will hurt as it were only yesterday. And then there will be days you will not feel it. Like nothing ever happened. But yes, it gets better. Because you no longer reject it.” One of the most beautifully expressed emotion from the book Starry Starry Night . As someone who has lost her mother at an age where I needed her the most, I could feel myself speaking the same language as the main characters of the story. I literally immersed myself in the grief Kunal and his aunt Tara go through. Kunal, who has lost his mother, has to go and live with a distant aunt Tara until he finds a place in a hostel to live. Tara has lost her best friend Nysa. She runs a special music programme in the same school where Kunal is enrolled. Tara filled with grief, witnesses a figure who she refers as Death

Living with Adi - Book Review

Living with Adi - Book Review 

Author - Zarin Virji

Published by - Penguin Random House India 

Living with Adi is a touching and insightful story about Adi, a ninth-grade boy who finds it hard to fit in and loves routines. The book gives a beautiful look into the life of a family dealing with challenges and changes, making it a great read from start to finish.

Adi is a smart kid who loves reading about dangerous snakes, even though he’s scared of harmless house lizards. His classmates think he’s weird because he’s socially awkward, but he’s actually very curious and intelligent. The story shows Adi’s life at school and at home, giving us a peek into his unique world.

Adi’s parents got divorced because they were unhappy together. Now, he lives with his mother, Delna, and his older sister, Jasmine. Even though his parents are separated, the family stays close. His grandmother, Shirin, visits often, adding fun and warmth to their lives. Adi’s dad, Krish, has remarried and has another child, but he still supports his first family. Geetha, Krish’s new wife, is kind and practical, breaking the stereotype of the evil stepmother. Through Delna and Geetha, the author has beautifully portrayed how modern families with mutual consent gel well and get along.

Delna is a strong, independent woman who has always been very protective of Adi. When she notices Adi’s developmental delays, a doctor confirms that he has ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). Shirin thinks that Delna’s intense care for Adi might have contributed to her separation from Krish.

The book is told from multiple perspectives, allowing us to understand each character deeply. Delna’s journey as a single mom, Shirin’s efforts to bring joy, Krish’s balancing act between two families, and Geetha’s refreshing positivity all add depth to the story.

Living with Adi” explores themes of acceptance, resilience, friendships and the importance of embracing change. Adi’s experiences highlight the struggles and triumphs of living with neurodiversity, encouraging readers to appreciate what makes each person unique.

The writing style is engaging and easy to understand. The multi-perspective approach provides a complete view of the characters’ inner worlds. 


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